Monday, January 11, 2010

It Can Only Be, SHALOM

PRESSURE equalisation. The flow of matter requires. Likewise in the matter of life, balance is accorded. Alignment of intent and congruence of goals makes the pathway smooth.

If there is a blockage within one person how can that augment flow in a relationship? The energy is intermittent. It’s awkward and imprecise. As we view ourselves, do we see the blockages that confuse our rapport with others?

Shalom can be practical perfection in time, more-or-less complete harmonisation. It’s what we instinctively hope for, not only because it’s right, but because we are all at platforms of ease.

The meeting of the minds; hearts attune. As personally our mental and emotional states shall agree, so too our thoughts in one another are hence fused. For such a time as this.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.”

~Romans 12:15 (NIV).

Peace reigns in the hearts of the like-minded. We can only live and let live, “fitting” ourselves to our relational circumstances whilst being most willingly available to ourselves; in secret if we like. This makes a rather cool, fun and enjoyable game of life. However, our intent is pure.

Relational shalom can be achieved around our permeable mould. With insight we see into the layering depth mid-event and we choose with strategic intent. Wanting the best, negating the worst, we swim with the current, hearing behind, through, and in-between the words, beyond and into meaning itself.

As a fish we swim craftily through the maze of life, noting blockages and not adding to them, removing frustration, augmenting ease. Deciding to move with the current when it is strongest, riding out the opposite flow, we don’t fight. Why would we? It makes no sense as others are concerned. They threaten us not. We, certainly, are no threat to them.

Our basic motivation is not to people-please; it’s to release shalom into the bloodstream of relational life, everyone breathing easily. The stilted shallow aspiration terminated for something entirely better, something truly natural and what we were made for.

As within our concurrent adult and child states, and them fully agreeing, so it is with our interpersonal encounters. Congruence and alignment. We are an alliance.

We have this very special person before us. They command our attention. We fit to them or move on. We must keep the threads of relational shalom before us; like a contagion it grows.

Cutting through our time with people is this thread of wonder. With all we and they see, a world of individualism, yet we align with a common bond and purpose.

Join with others to create and sustain the thread. Increase their share.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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