Saturday, January 9, 2010

Patience Begets Respect (and Vice Versa)

There is another cogent benefit of patience. Think of a patient person you know. They don’t add to your burdens; they relieve them. Their kindnesses are always welcome; their presence always gently, quietly inspiring.

Patience preceding. Joy abiding. Transcendent differences made.

Respect is something we buy in copious amounts with patience. It endears us to all people; even those threatened by us think us harmless and befriend-able by accord of meekness.

Patience, finally, in relating with others... it’s a golden wonder, a true delight, a generous second chance, a place in time recalled for its harmony.

Mutual respect in patience... and our relational goals—in sum—are being achieved.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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