Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stylish Entrances and Exits – Influence Personified!

IN LIFE WHAT MATTERS is not the body of detail so much as the frilly edging of appearance, the whims of eccentricity, the beginning and the ending of things.

These are the things that communicate our real intent, whether that “intent” is real or not.

Forget the dilapidated and pained-over material you’re peddling—the ‘middle part’—it might be entirely necessary, but it’s not going to sell you a scrap more relational influence, trust or respect in the overall scheme of things. Some value diligence, but there’s so much more to communication than the body of data and information we’re about.

It can be so disheartening to have done so well in the presentation and impression of things for an hour or more, only to lose the moment in the last few minutes (or seconds!). Likewise, how do we fully recover the fractured start?

We therefore ought to focus and magnify our entrances—creating a set-apart, authentic, “real” impression. But, hold the bus—the conclusion and wondrous, well-thought-out exit is what everyone waits for, baited for more next time.

Start and end well. The middle part, if you’re prepared and organised, will sell itself.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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