Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beyond the Relational Storm

Beyond the heads, away from the storm,

Leave it behind it’s not the norm,

We wonder how it happened, why did it form?

Beyond the straits safely, into the warm.

Why is life sometimes so harsh?

Pondering alive beyond the marsh,

Time alone to consider the deep,

Problems awry we just can’t beat.

Space comes about, space to consider,

After the world of confusion and dither,

Harmony and congruence they both must return,

Before we arrive, that place to burn.

The storms from a distance are not so mean,

From safety hence we can afford to be keen,

Freshness aboard, perspective to glean,

A moment like this we’ve hardly seen.

One thing can be said with which to conclude,

Life at odds is a state precious and rude,

Places of heart with time accrued,

Dial-in now opportunity brewed.


Conflict in relationships; the best place surely is clear of it unto resolution. We seek to resolve it or otherwise get so clear of it so our perspective can return. These conflicts don’t seem so threatening when we’re the spectator.

There’s something we adults often take far too much for granted—that’s the safe refuge of adult relationships. And by “adult” I mean the standing of the rapport being in the reasonable, responsible, rational, realistic and logical vogue. It’s in these relationships we can be ourselves without pretence. Love, forgiveness, acceptance and grace ebb and flow healthily in the adult state.

Life in conflict, however—the parent/child state—is like a swampy marsh with no listening or empathy to speak of. It’s dead there and the “problems” aren’t fixed easily. They simply linger on and on. And so do the glaring looks and moods!

Space in relationships and space generally of mind is often a good thing. We all need space and time with which to reflect and collect our bearings. Surely, space to consider our part in the conflict can only help us see aright?

It’s the part we’re responsible for.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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