Monday, March 29, 2010

Form, Storm, Norm, Perform... Transform – TEAMWORK

Teams run the world. Think of the broader context of team; they occur in marriages, de facto partnerships, family, sports, at the workplace and during projects.

As I reflected in the moment of a recent home move—an army of helpers, a truck, several cars and trailers, boxes and furniture everywhere—definitely chaos in the making, I noted in any great venture there will always be a tortuous process of forming the team and the “storming” that has to occur as everyone grapples with the chaos. Agreeing roles, assigning responsibilities and monitoring same is like grasping oil in the hand. It’s a tough job and someone has to do it.

Or do they? Not always. The “storming” phase of putting the team together ‘in action’ sees the struggle for leadership take place; there are generally either too many or too few leaders. Then a range of problems occur as the venture itself is executed; leadership and teamwork have to combine to negotiate the problems.

Once that process has taken place the operation resembles a rhythmic machine of productivity—for a time; it goes well until—as mentioned—a problem crops up. Then it’s back to the drawing board.

What is most important about the inception of new teams is patience, by leaders and members. If the team is a marriage both partners must be patient with one another during the storming phase i.e. newness, change etc. When we have our values-set challenged by another person we’re bound to experience frustration. Only the patience of awareness can help.

Part of the mystery of good teams is they begin with, and retain, the end in mind. They see the vision of what they’re trying to achieve and nothing sways them from the vision. And not only that, when they share the vision, it becomes a motivating object with which to fix their focus.

Patience is firmly set in faith. Faith says that the task will be accomplished—despite the conflicting emotions—and panicking action can be of detriment; so it doesn’t panic. Faith is therefore courage.

A team is two or more. When two or more people are thrust together as a team, they can either make or break the experience. Team is a transformational experience; always has been, always will be.

When all parties to the team believe so strongly in the goal they’re patient with each other there’s hardly anything more inspiring.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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