Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not Enough, Too Much

Do you ever get the impression there’s...

Not enough ideas.

Not enough time.

Not enough spaghetti.

Not enough time to write.

Not enough sleep or energy.

Not enough relaxation.

Not enough passion.

Not enough sauce.

Not enough hope or love.

Not enough sunlight.

Not enough quiet time.

Not enough vision.

Not enough thought or reflection.

Not enough space.

Not enough grief.

Not enough life or light.

Sometimes there’s also…

Too much noise and vibration.

Too much pace and freneticism.

Too much creativity.

Too much thought.

Too much head-banging.

Too much life.

Too much stress and despair.

Too much sunlight.

Too much rain.

Too much conflict.

Too much tension.

Too much introspection.

I wrote this reflecting on a train, travelling to my wife’s graduation ceremony recently. Ironically, I, dressed in a suit, was “accompanied” by a train-load of AC/DC fans, clad in a different variety of “black”; we enjoyed the ride together, as I reflected upon the weird incongruences of life in general after a typically busy day.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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