Saturday, March 13, 2010

Small Things – Big Difference

WHEN I GET HOME FROM WORK I’m the sort who regularly needs some of my own “download” time—and my favourite activity is to ‘bang out’ an article.

On a recent afternoon, on my arrival home, prior to some date-time with my wife, I noticed she disappeared for a time, presumably packing boxes for a house move. Half an hour passed and I still wondered (vaguely, though, as I was in my element) where she was. I wasn’t complaining; the tension within me had greatly dissipated and I was pretty chirpy really as we then headed out on our date.

How wonderful it is to start date-time with something to be grateful for. My thankfulness for the space I’d been graciously given helped us as we drove off, my wife offering simply an acknowledging, cheerful grin at my vocal thanks.

As we reflected later we both noted the significance in this sort of small thing done with love. A small gift of time; a passing thought to call; a helping hand; a nice affirming word; an e-card out of the blue; a hug in a defined moment—these all make a huge difference in those tense moments all relationships are characterised by.

If only we’d recognise them and provide some affirming feedback we’d get more back, surely.

At this point we need to identify the role of awareness—not to pick up the negatives (like we’re all prone to do) but to pounce on the positives and acknowledge them.

Little things—the small moments—in relationships; they make our love, don’t they? What little things are going on right now in your household that issue that sense of selfless love upon you and others?

And are they being recognised for the significance they’re truly bringing?

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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