Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When Love Goes Right

“We rejoice and delight in you;

we will praise your love more than wine.”

~Song of Songs 1:4b (NIV).

This is good news for men, but probably not in any way they’d think. It is good news because it’s women whom admire and “celebrate” when men get romantic lovemaking right; for the woman always waits for this—the woman more naturally closely aligned in Spirit to the character of the Divine.

The “you” above in the first line is definitely male singular, and it is choral praise, meaning there’s a throng of guests at this wedding who’re inspired by the buck.

I’ve long felt that where society falls down grossly, men are the key to its demise. Wherever the immorality of men thrives there are vast, sweeping injustices and generational curses propagated like a resonant echo through the genome. And I think there is a lot of varied literature around, generally, that supports the premise.

So, when men get romantic love right it is a huge success. He is finally in-beat and enmeshed with his beloved. And this simply promotes the longevity of the union. They’ll be umbilically tied.

It is a great sadness when men do not hold out such a hope to thrill and awe their women with such love. They become the missing link; they’re smaller than life should be (for them and their beloved). Their faint love morphs at times into a painful lust that knows no end. Women then, as a collective, become ‘a body’ to be exploited. Relationships become depersonalised. And men lead this revolt.

Men are capable of so much more. It is true I think that a man, to truly become a great lover (and this is one percent sex, not ninety-nine percent), needs to embrace his feminine side and refine the masculine exterior. Only then can he understand his woman; the partner designed to bring out the best in him. And when this great miracle occurs—him turning compassionate, open, emotionally freer—she is awestruck and falls for him over and again.

Men, your society wherever you are needs you. It needs you to rise up and take hold of the virtuous and righteous post that rightly belongs to you—if you’ll accept it. But know that it won’t be easy getting there. Once you’re there, however, it will get easier. You will understand then.

Women, be patient with your men. They’re often trying their utmost to achieve what they feel they need to. He won’t be requiring any pressure from you. Patience such as this needs to be untiring. The rewards will come if you don’t give up.

Love, swimming love, is the talk of the town. This is why weddings always bring a sense of unbridled joy, for the wedding occasion should always be the pinnacle of love.

We need to believe that this “pinnacle” can be rekindled at any time. And it can.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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