Thursday, May 20, 2010


I hate the polarising infractions of intolerance, greed and arrogance. The lustful few conform time and have their kingdoms custom designed to their own needs totally forsaking the planet and all creation.

We’re destroying ourselves.

This destruction is as catastrophic in the physical sense as any. The past two hundred years of industrialisation have merely put this physical blight on us—a blight that’s been part of our make-up for eons.

Notwithstanding the democracies of the world, and of ‘wise’ governments, we seem absolutely confounded in reversing this growing catastrophe.

We massage the figures and debate the debates, always hedging our bets, never seeming able to forge the distance needed to commend our futures in safety.

But safety is not really the point. Faith is.

But faith slingshots us back to safety every time, for faith is all about virtuous diligence—a responsibility for what is ours.

We must care.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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