Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And Two Became One

The work of unity – the journey of two,

no other way so relationally true,

always the way – connecting the dots,

all the glory – our collective lots.

Physically fitted – never prolonged,

passionately made, collective and strong,

intimacy abounding, pleasure’s to cut,

wandering about, never a ‘but’.

Once were two but now not so,

standard trick here, tied with a bow!

One now and forever – issue the sink,

always upon always – never the brink.

So is the hope, a passionate task,

something for two – to try and just bask,

they stand together, marvellous stuff,

never forgetting, never is enough.


There is, of course, a lot of idealism that goes into marriage relationships. Lots of ‘dreams come true’ meeting the hard work of keeping it together.

God’s ideal, now, is set above. Many upon many of us haven’t lived up to this ideal, but that’s okay—based in repentance of same—because grace covers the deal, making up for all myriad of the breaking of the one-flesh bond.

The Idealism of Newly Weds

New married couples are understandably idealistic about the one-flesh arrangement, and this is for very good reason. Many who start out this way stand a great chance of opportunity to remain that way, one day at a time.

Who would we be to shatter this myth? For it’s not really a myth, as many have proved over their lifelong marriages.

No matter our track record, we have fresh opportunities every day to celebrate our one-fleshness, and this in ways only limited to our imaginations.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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