Friday, July 30, 2010


Life is always better with options; nowhere is this more obvious than in the mix of our relationships.

Giving people options whenever we can is a great benefit for the both of us. Options are a nicety of the sophisticated modern life—the refinement offered as the peace of acceptance in relationship.

Nothing Forced – Nothing Onerous

The benefits are these: firstly, when we back off the pressure on people, giving them more space with which to operate in, so far as decisions are concerned, we give them complete freedom from guilt for whatever they decide—this is particularly pertinent to those we have mature relationships with.

Secondly, when we don’t bear over people, we free ourselves from a lot of unnecessary worrying thought and heartache—concerned about what is clearly out of our hands. We cannot control people, even when we have a supervisory or parental relationship with them. (Sure, they might have to live with the consequences of their decisions—but they’re always theirs and not ours.)

An option-friendly life is a ‘light’ life prepared to love unconditionally, truly, and in the most grace-filled of ways.

After all, love is a light thing, not bearing itself onerously on anything or anyone.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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