Friday, July 2, 2010

When Our Fact is No Fact At All

Out of the formation of the mind’s self-talk comes a person’s reason; their fact. No-one may encroach upon this territory. It is the experienced ‘reality’ for that person—their common sense.

And still more often than we’d like it to be, as far as it personally pertains, we’re wrong!

We hate being wrong, of course, but this doesn’t change the fact; whether we acknowledge our wrongness or not, we’re still often enough wrong.

The reason I seem to be repeating myself is we don’t often take the time out to reflect over, or investigate, our wrongfulness. This is not about subjugating our feeble souls with condemnation; on the contrary, it’s truly contending for our freedom that warrants more than that notional second glance.

Truth and Freedom - Personally and Interpersonally

It is only the truth that sets us free (John 8:32). The lies, we know, bond us. Fact is therefore very important. It’s the centrepiece, indeed the centre-of-peace, in the context of our relationships, so long as both parties value it.

Most people cannot contend with us in lies, the thought of supporting our fiction, or another person’s skewed perception of the world. It forever undermines the balance required for kinship. It interrupts any sense of intimacy necessary for good rapport.

Approaching Humility - to Question ‘Our Fact’

To forever be on notice—to ourselves—so far as our version of fact is concerned, is the best corrective to the pride of fictional belief. This, too, is one part of the meaning of the ‘fear of the Lord.’ It’s the self keeping itself at a very short, and healthy, personal account—ostensibly to God himself.

Our relationship with God will always best form and inform our relationships with others for maximum interpersonal power, grace and effect.

When we have a strong desire to conform ourselves to God and to his truth, we cannot help but grow in humility, and this, toward great life outcomes in every area.

Continually questioning our inventory-of-fact, therefore, is a golden precipice of the devoted moral life in harmony with the goodness of God, rolling into all our relationships. This is the higher-order life that sets its heart and mind on the highest ideals that humanity could ever hope to attain; those principally in the realm of the Divine.

It is our task, consequently, to conform—past our pride—to the refinable ‘buried fact’ that is otherwise unknown, until we mine it from all our circumstances, if indeed there was ever an end to this. This addresses our verging ‘common sense’ that’s prone to the frailties of falsehood.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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