There is something never more important to stand up gently, but firmly, against. The little or large dictatorship in our midst threatens peace and marches for the enemy. It will never stop until it is stopped.
The Church in Germany made many errors of submissive delay during the half decade or so leading up to the Second World War—it waited for too long against Hitler and there were few leaders like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who had the vision and courage to stand defiantly against the tyranny of this political runaway, the genocidal Nazi war machine.
I was woken recently with portraits of Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot stammering through my mind. These were not just powers against democracy. These were irrational powers against humanity itself.
There is always a personal message we can take from these relatively recent times of our human history; we’re loath to buckle under such tyranny—cases which parlay bullying on a national and international stage, a.k.a. dictatorship.
And to the dictator at our workplaces, within the societal group to which we belong, or within our families, or elsewhere, we must send a very clear, albeit respecting and assertive message... we will not stand for the kingdom-building and anti-justice regimes of those who seek power for themselves, by abhorrent means and for tyrannical purposes.
We always need to be prepared to stand as individuals and together to fight for a God-blessed future, for justice and true righteousness; to fight a good fight for these good futures that God has willed to exist.
© 2010 S. J. Wickham.
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