Thursday, August 5, 2010

Those Who Stew, Lose

Transgressions interceding, feelings awry; fondness receding, send in a spy.

We are all caught up in worlds of fury over the dominion-treading antics of others who appear set on overturning our applecarts.

Times come when we want to sift through the remains of garbage that’s been sent our way; we re-sift it and mull it over and regurgitate it through our minds, thinking no harm of it, enjoying it as sport.

Soon, however, we’re trapped in this thinking and it’s set our hearts aflame. Consumed our ways are now and there’s no returning from this quagmire but via the truth.

Those Who Move On, Win

Transgressions sorted, deceit disposed; dysfunction aborted, people composed.

Those who move on—doing so quickly with little of the emotional stink clinging to them—will be happier personally and more productive as people in the land of the living.

They divert past the seriously contending temptation to get bogged down in the swampy dead creek-bed to go with the flow of the river that’s full of oxygen and real life.

The river has movement about it to take our minds far from this previously horrendous place.

And there is peace that way!

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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