Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Blessed, Circumspect Life

“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God.”

~Ecclesiastes 5:7 (NIV).

The balance of power in life is in God’s hand, though rarely do we of our moments actually think that way.

Much of the preponderance we have with words, hopes, plans and ambitions is washed clean from the memory of our lives from the distinctness of our hindsight, for hindsight is that mirage of wisdom we hardly exploit enough.

Peace, now.

Being as we are, and no more, is a tremendous blessing of God’s sturdy Presence in, about and around us.

We’re compelled forth for nothing but the call of God echoed straight to the heart—that call, from within our souls, that we cannot but resist.

As Far As It Depends on Us...

In the motioning of life, as we relate with others, we are there to do what we’re purposed to do. In the Presence of God, then, as far as things depend on us, we love, we serve, we defend and advocate, and we wait patiently for our opportunities to do same.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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