Saturday, September 4, 2010

One Hundred Angry Reasons

Timing’s all out of wack, interruptions, noise pollution, chaotic head, convoluted heart, what’s next – out of sorts – things going from bad to worse...

As much as things try our patience at times—a hundred things and more, and one after the other as well as those occurring ‘sweetly’ at the same time—things will always tend to get worse before they’ll get better.

That is not pessimism. It’s the reality for the person with an angry worldview.

Some of us are tested with our time; others with energies; and others again by the selfish demands of others when we’re clearly not at the top of our game. Add to this the seeming collusion of circumstances that set themselves just to try us.

We’d not even consider reacting on ‘luckier’ days. So, what gives now?

“Thank You” for the Opportunities

God is clearly trying to get through to us. These are opportunities and they beckon.

Perhaps the Spirit is reminding us, “You’re not in control of everything.” Even again, “Grow through this current set of mishaps, for I will not save you from the fullness of life.”

Losing our cool solves nothing and only makes our problems worse. Instead of one hundred seeming problems we add a few more... and where, in fact, will it end?

There is nothing surer than the fact we will all have our patience and tolerance tried; we all have a point where our bubble’s set to burst, the time we’ll fly into a rage.

We best keep the rage within... not cooped up inside where it can blister and blow, to spew all over an unsuspecting family member, work colleague or fellow road user, but we massage the creaky door of our hearts by holding out for a time to genuinely process it... and certainly via faith we hold it right up until its use-by date, which is during the “live” situation we’re in right now.

One Hundred Reasons – Only One Response

Whilst there might be a myriad of reasons (a.k.a. excuses) to go absolutely spare, there really is only ever one response that meets the acceptable quota in terms of our relationships—be they with others, God or ourselves—and that is to subdue the anger long enough to get out of there... whatever or wherever “there” is.

This, here, is a journey to the centre of our souls—to introspect and delve into why we feel this way and what God might be teaching us in it. The journey to the soul always seems to be the journey to our inner child—that one more easily threatened. All we need ask is “why?” for we’re not interrogating, just enquiring... seeking to learn about ourselves.

The problem is ours and nobody else’s. And this is great. We’re in the best position to actually do something about it!

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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