Monday, September 6, 2010

Pastoral Care of the Familial Kind

A critical function of our own humble bliss is how much and how often we think and act with and for others – by way of help and service to them. And most particularly this holds to family.

Besides our own needs, they need us.

In making time for each family member and the family unit as a whole, we can so easily run ourselves ragged—but to be there for them is inherently our purpose.

So, what do we do to sanely consider a resolution to this enigma?

Just how do we ‘grow’ our family and support them, and feel refreshed ourselves in doing it?

Balancing Responsibility with Personal Humility

We truly have very little to feel guilty about when we selflessly act for others. Somehow there’s a sense of peace that pervades over us when we know we’ve done our best, whilst still there might be a modicum or more of dis-ease or complaint on their behalf.

Humility seeks not for itself over the other. It seeks for the other, but not against the self.

There is balance afforded between the two. In this we find an even greater balance—and indeed, a firm yet intangible boundary—between humility and responsibility.

We can help and support, but only so far as it attends to their true beneficence as we can see, for we’re not going to ‘spoil’ them... that would not be love.

Love Drives Our Concern and Our Acting

We’re constantly thinking of our family—the unit and each of the members. This is the blessing of God to be always musing and ruminating positively about them; this being a language of prayer in its own right.

And these ‘prayers’ of ours are sent to God in a constant stream, and if we’re thinking the right sort of prayers, God’s also sending some rapid-fire, though gentling, advice our way... how to love this member... how to support that one... how to discipline another in love... how to enjoy the upcoming time as a family unit.

Always we’re trying to home-in on the values of trust and respect, to every last member and situation.

No matter our role in life, we have this intrinsic role of ‘pastor’ to, and within, our own families. Pastoral care is an essential part of any family member’s ‘job description’.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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