Friday, October 29, 2010

The Simplest Way to Become an Enigma

By far the most surprising aspect of our relations with others is the encounter we have with the completely honest person. Our experience of life hasn’t prepared us for these.

If we have the penchant to be enigmatic and the want to come across with people as ‘special,’ and most people deeper down want this i.e. to be recognised as such, then it is authenticity to the core that is getting us there.

People will be most transfixed and mystified by our utter transparency, for it tells them, “This person actually trusts me with their information.”

Honesty is refreshing in a holy way and it’s relatively rare in any age. It reveals the moral integrity of a person who’s gone around the block a few times in their own self-development with God. They have become, and truly are, themselves.

It pays to be honest, in so many ways, not least regarding the esteemed favour we enjoy with God. Sweetness for us is sweetness for all.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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