Monday, October 25, 2010

Walks of Joy

The simplicity of a young family’s morning walk. A portrait of peace in four-bodied unison.

But, first, the theory of the vision: Glimpses are visions transparent and true, what we’ve seen only God knew. Bold and brassy, free of demotion, they come to us without pull of commotion. Angles they are, of how life’s to be, splendid and arched, under a tree. Formed there for wonder, despite our pain, trident to plunder, it’s our life’s gain.


I’ve a vision to share,

One to embrace,

Hope you’ll care,

It’s truly about grace.

It’s about a woman and a man,

A child and a dog,

Fast as they can,

Off with a nod.

Away they trot,

Scarcely denied,

Don’t want for a lot,

Purposed they glide.

Monday morning,

Workers go by,

They’re forlorn,

Walkers can’t decry.

Walkers take in,

Wonder and sun,

Like fish with a fin,

Walking’s such fun.

Hello delight,

Thought and amuse,

Borrowed in flight,

No hope of blues.

A world their own,

Chiding awares,

No thought of a moan,

Beyond bystanders’ stares.

Family’s a foursome,

Hotchpotch of hope,

Experience is awesome,

As if to elope.

Home it is at,

They finally arrive,

Foot on the mat,

No joy to deprive.


There have been plenty of family walks that haven’t met this standard of joy. At times it’s the best way to have the argument—go and walk it out!

But this one above was ideal.

It commenced as a vision I saw of four individuals pulling as a team... the family in view above. They had no axe to grind with one another. They just left their home and walked in the beautiful sunshine, away from the cares of the world for a while.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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