Saturday, December 11, 2010

Being the Change We Were Meant to Be

“Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.”

~Peter Marshall.

“Take courage,” says Jesus, “It is I that is with you; I have overcome.” (Paraphrase of John 16:33) As we struggle in contention with a world that pushes its way upon and over us, seeing all the opportunities to grapple with, we’re not only blessed to accept the things we possibly cannot change, but also we’re blessed to respectfully challenge those things we feel we can impact on.

We have the chance and the opportunity, now, today, to do these things, as we’re led to do them. It’s never been different and it never will be.

Waiting is Not Always the Answer

As the quote at top suggests, it doesn’t always pay to wait and see, though the basest discernment is called for to determine whether action is or isn’t required.

A great many times when waiting is the answer we can still be busy preparing for the time of action—even if that’s preparing our thought processes.

The danger for many is ‘waiting’ has about it the meaning of total languor in the situation, which is usually against the diligence we’re all blessed to exhibit in life. If and when we’re caught sitting on our hands the outcome will not be good.

Courage for Today

As we do take up our chalices, drinking from the very fright of life at times, we’re destined for a great amount of extra blessing; for we did what we felt was important. We did just as we felt we were led to do.

And always from a position of discerning the need and addressing it, which is a deeply internal and externally-relating wisdom, we can prosper.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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