Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Poem and Reflection

Jesus’ the reason for the season,

However clichéd it seems,

Then to one is caused the reason,

Into whose life Love beams.

Year-round we pontificate,

Better perhaps to see,

Noticing needs – let them placate,

Our very souls to agree.

For trying to fix world’s affairs,

Seems important for sure,

But meaning’s in being awares,

Of treasures within our door.


Christmas is a family time. Beyond kin we belong to the family of humankind. ‘Good cheer’ at Christmas, then, is not propagating the false thing at all, as humans are inclined to do in family and beyond. It’s every bit of authenticity for those within the fold, and them without.

But then there are those who remain hurt—clinging to it like a hard-fought prize—them who can’t be reconciled. Still Jesus is able to be known in and through us. Understanding beyond understanding, patience is the key. We absorb the hurt and anguish the best we can; with God’s power. We forgive because we can, even if that may be a fabricated forgiveness for now. Success is known at the core of this venture by the peace enjoyed by all; yet only as a reflection after the event. And for the heat of transgression, when it occurs, we too must forgive ourselves.

Jesus is the reason for the season. That season is year-round.

Faith is more basic than we think.

It implores us to think basically, kindly, generously, sacrificially. That’s the real spirit of Christ-mass. It starts from us; without thought of return.

Jesus in and through us—this spirit of peace and goodwill—is that which is possible, despite how impossible that might seem.

With God all things are possible, especially kindness, forgiveness, the grace that stops the world for marvelling!

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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