Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just the ‘Concerned’ Parent

One thing young people never count on is one day the whole world will turn and suddenly the shoe is on the wrong foot. Welcome to parenthood.

Not that parents should complain. They’re blessed with aspects of existence issuing its opportunities at acceptance. There’s no purpose to parenthood beyond it (besides the support of procreation!).

Yet, concern is the parental prerogative. So, somewhere between acceptance and concern we find the balance required of the responsible, adequate parent (so far as archetypes are concerned).

Surely trust is a major facet that God’s trying to reach us in. There are crucial times with acceptance and concern where trust is the vehicle for success. There’s a no-brainer of a connection with trust and acceptance. With concern, however, it’s different; the connection’s not so obvious.

The Courage of Concern

The warrant of concern is the preparedness to act, though stealthily; not covert in a mischievous way, but with the concern for holding all parties’ best interests at heart. Indeed, some of the courage of concern is to act and some of it’s not to act—to leave well enough alone.

That’s where prayer separates some parents. Concerns are best weighed; submitted to God. A single concern, with discernment sought, and given a day or three—it’s amazing how often things are eased. It pays to delay some action, but then some actions must be enacted. No matter how prompt this is we tread carefully.

Enters Wisdom...

Concern, then, is now seen classically melded with the acceptance that helps just about everything in life.

Perhaps the two together are, of a sense, wisdom. Certainly fits with the philosophy evident in The Serenity Prayer: accept things that can’t be changed; change the things that can be; have the wisdom to know the difference.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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