Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is ‘Secretive’ May Be Respectful

Hard as it might seem there are at times good reasons that we’re not privy to developments that concern us. Apart from ‘news’ being premature for broadcast, there are others being duly protected, not to mention the precious future when, like the uncorked champagne, it’s kept on ice.

Notwithstanding the true intent of those withholding news, it pays to have a broadminded view. We take due care to not surrender vulnerabilities this way.

Besides, negative attributions have their silly way of contorting the rapport we have with people, often damaging further relations. And, anyway, sometimes people do act so responsibly they keep confidences strictly so no one can be hurt and ventures themselves are not jeopardised. Why punish people for acting faithfully?

Let’s reserve judgment until all the facts are known. Better it is to keep faith with decision makers, appreciating the hard job they have.

© 2010 S. J. Wickham.

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