Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Invisibly Hurt

For all the people we know we’ve hurt—the ones no longer fraternising with us, and we know why; those refusing to forgive—there are perhaps as many who we don’t know we’ve offended. This is especially true over social networking sites. The invisibly hurt have left our stead for some reason.

Is this to cause any lasting concern to us? Perhaps it should to a point.

The only points worthy of our ongoing attention are: 1) Why the hurt? ~and~ 2) Is there anything we can do to change it now or for the future in the light of prospective acquaintances and liaisons?

Self-condemnation is Nonsensical

There is no good in feeling condemned about it having hurt others. Stewing rotten fruit is senseless and a waste of time. It is best just disposed of, but never disparagingly so. All that can be done is forgiveness sought.

It is good to be aware that the invisibly hurt might be veiled by those who come into our lives but for a season, and vice versa. It’s true. Not everyone who no longer fellowships with us is hurt—they (or we) just went a different way, that’s all.

All we should be interested in—for the future’s benefit—is locating traces of personal falsehood to prevent possible harm from occurring to current and future relationships, as well as dealing in forgiveness for those past ones that are reconcilable.

Keeping Close in Mind the Hurts of Others

Knowing that other people in our midst have been hurt, or are hurting, is enough to help us have empathy towards them. This facilitates humility, for we’re placing them over our hearts and not simply our met or unmet needs.

Having the heart’s eye open for existing and potential hurts of others feeds the wisdom of heavenly vision. It’s seeing one aspect of life through the God-scope.

Then, and only then, might we begin to see the invisible hurts as they surround or take place. Then we’re a channel for listening and encouragement, as well as being a gentle word of insight to the perpetrator where the opportunity allows.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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