Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seamless Love – Part 2 – The Poem

Seamless love,

How can it be?

Gentle as a dove,

With you am I – it’s me!


Love chaste in resplendent form – holy to the nations,

Requited of position it stands strong with gasp and prayer,

Based to the promise and graced to all the stations,

Holding its line as it glides majestically through the air.

Cherished it is poised – parallel to the queue,

Not a note of encumbrance or shaken hope to dare,

Otherwise it’s too scarce – something all too few,

Besides overridden threats for which we’re not to share.

Accountable to God – holy in the Lord,

Choice for life apparent now holds our turn,

Why then selection made – judge with piercing sword,

Rather than take within – finds our home to learn?

With trust comes the reek of meekness and humility,

As people disposed stop judging and start upon loving,

And grows from it a bevy of tenderness and gentility,

Abounding caprice separates partakers from thought of shoving.

Removing barriers and all hindrance to intimacy and trust,

As it is there’s not enough love going around,

Anyone would think this quality was susceptible to rust,

Something that good could never be rendered drowned.

Issuing grace and the benefit of any doubt,

Scheming to love and outdo others to that degree,

Driving the purposed angle delivers the mighty clout,

This is at last the Golden Rule pedigree.

Seamless and perfect without fault of intent,

Until the ends of the earth and all people reached,

Carries forth the strongest hint of nudge without relent,

Begs all to go farther in search – the Lord’s name beseeched.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Part One – the article, dedicated to Romans 14 – is found at: Seamless Love – Relationships' Best

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