Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Science of Growing Space

Some of us enjoy working at close proximity to others and to tight deadlines — with little re-creative space. Most of us, however, do not enjoy such limitations over our space.

Space comes, as a result, at a premium.

Regardless of how much space we’re comfortable with, the fact remains; we all need it. Space comes packaged in all sorts of ways:

þ Physical space is something we find we need when we no longer have it. It’s being cooped up in a tiny office space, for instance, or with packing cartons all around or with too much furniture and clutter. Growing space with physical constraints is about de-cluttering. Sometimes this is to do with personal space. Many of us require this; it’s nothing to apologise for. But we must provide for it.

þ Financial space is achieved with buffers and contingencies should our budget go pear-shaped. It’s fixing the matters of stress before they take over our lives, for who can plan for financial disaster? This sort of space is heavily dependent on not having to acquire too much. Modest means make for modest needs — and more space. Growing financial space is contentedness for what we already have.

þ Emotional space is needed for the consummate feeler, as well as for the person prone to stress, anxiety and depression. Indeed, emotional space is required at a moment’s notice. Finding space emotionally, and growing it, is a matter of learning about emotional intelligence and the use of the higher mind — for which we all have significant untapped potential. This is perhaps the most important of space-makers, as control is required first at the mental and emotional levels.

þ Mental space is all about small captions of time; our use of it, but more importantly, our planning for it. We all need space to think. To think is to be able to live a responsible life. Growing more space for cognitive function is vital if we’re to be everything God wants us to be — for our families, our employer; for society.

þ Time space, personally, is crucial. Can there be a more important dimension for our use and objectives than the apportionment of time? Time we tend to waste, in all sorts of lazy and over-diligent ways. Time space is, hence, balance. Growing such space is about constantly debunking unnecessary competitors for our time. Time’s to be used for love; to achieve it, or to go toward it. Anything else is a waste of time.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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