Sunday, April 17, 2011

Building Strength to, Again, Clear the High Bar

“The LORD gives power to the faint,

and strengthens the powerless.”

~Isaiah 40:29 (NRSV).

Staying power — both for the shorter term and longer — is a wisdom augury hard to underestimate. It explains the need we all have for vacation. If we loved everything we did vocationally, perhaps we’d not have any problem providing for our own revival. Yet, that still wears thin after a time.

Building and re-building strength has to be the key task of life; the reclamation of it. Life’s otherwise debilitating.

The secret seems to be rooted in planning via wisdom, and resting always in the Lord’s strength.

Can clearing the high bar — the one we find so difficult at present — be any better negotiated than via resting in God now, and planning via wisdom when the heat finally dies?

Besides our fatigue, saving some energy to build our strength — blessed of God — is wisdom. It’s not selfishness. Basic energy and sanity needs must be prioritised.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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