Friday, May 27, 2011

Being On the Side of Fact

“The person who questions opinion is wise; the person who quarrels with fact is a fool.”

~Frank A. Garbutt.

At my workplace, two days running I made the same basic error; not checking facts meant I was soon destined to issue sincere, though humbling, apologies. God was gently reminding me to check facts.

A Christian’s Qualification: M.A. – Master of Apology

Christians, given that none of us is perfect, and that we’re admitting sinners, should be masters of apologies.

This is part of what Jesus was getting at in Matthew 5:23-24. We should be quick to settle disputes in even more grace than the other party expects.

As we forgive others we best also forgive ourselves. God’s not finished with “Project: Steve Wickham,” or anyone reading, yet. This is good; it means we’re still living.

Yet, beyond apology, we’re also called to a higher location, that being wisdom, and it can be discouraging to note instances of action over assumption; later that we’d have recourse to regret and remorse.

Ever Reliable Patience

I’m reminded that Cyprian of Carthage — an Early Church Father — called Jesus “perfect patience.”

The wisdom of patience is where we’re reminded to grow. Many times less is more. Patience is a form of delay; it allows time and space for all the information to settle, before we pick through it, deciphering what it all means.

Being a decision-maker in such contexts isn’t actually that hard.

Gaining a reputation as a good decision-maker is within everyone’s grasp. There’s the requirement to choose to be on the side of fact; to guard against rushing in fear.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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