Saturday, September 3, 2011

Destiny’s Name Is Love

The golden hand at the end of destiny’s arm is the fact of choice, and its name is love. Its veins trickle with the lifeblood of freedom, and the sinews of its muscle comprise material for blessing. The anatomy of such an arm is powered by the physiology of God; working in shaping our destinies with the force known to all as eternal love.

This is no human biology lesson.

This might be, however, a lauding of God-biology as it occurs in everyday life.

Love – A Gift We Can Receive Only Through Acceptance

We are merely describing the facts—the salvation reality—to surely know God—and to redeem the blessings destined for us because of love.

As God is love, and so too is the grace-gift that reveals choice (or “free will”) as the Lord’s eternal flagship, we now understand love also is our destiny—if, paradoxically, we will choose it.

It’s a choice renewed each day; each moment.

Love can only be ours as a state, and therefore a method for living life, if we agree to go love’s way. God will not send us there beyond our will.

Our destiny is in our own hand. Choice is proof of love. If we will prove we are friends with love, choice will be our byword: we will live free and allow others to live free also.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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