Monday, April 2, 2012

Nature’s the Adversity Teacher

The forest fire is a poignant image of renewal. Though the heat, flames and smoke destroy much vegetation, there’s the timely response. Nature has its own last word.
“If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn.”
~Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Life’s The Survival Of The Fittest
We don’t like to face it, but the nature of life forces our hand. We either get up when we’re slapped down or we stay down. And we can stay down as long as we want. Alternatively, we can rebound as quickly as we want.
Life favours those, like nature’s response, who find setbacks the opportunity for growth. They quickly learn that nothing can hold them back when they approach life with such positive intent.
Against the backdrop of victory, who might choose defeat? It’s clearly those still adjusting to the circumstances meted out—those heinous blows inflicting grief. Or, it’s those that haven’t yet resolved to accept that life rewards only the resilient; the faithful—in all ways.
Clearly, as we look at nature, and especially, for example, the characteristics of the food chain, we have to notice the consistent, almost depressing sameness within the created environment. Yet, nature never complains. Nature never sees itself as a victim.
Indeed, we can learn a lot from nature so far as adversity and resilience is concerned.
Adversity And Resilience
Life is no sick reality. There’s a purpose in adversity. As we accept the inevitable flow of pain within the pleasure, and the fact that life persists within paradoxes, in mysteries among the enigmas, we can learn to view life as a thing that should not surprise us very much.
We can also learn that, whilst we may be defeated in certain circumstances, we’re not ultimately destroyed, unless we agree to be the destroyed—giving up on our lives.
Just like nature, we have many fresh chances to rise up above our challenges; no matter their size. Just like nature, there are opportunities for regrowth, for renewal, for re-creation.
God has designed life, for some good reason, to be coped with resiliently. And the more we learn to look for examples where resilience is rewarded the more we’ll see it operating as God designed it.
Life is a series of sets of challenges to be overcome. The best of life is enjoyed in the overcoming. Nature is the best example of this. She does not complain after a bushfire, but simply goes on in renewal. Our lives are best when we bounce back as quickly as we’re able.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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