Saturday, June 2, 2012

Helen Keller’s Habit of Happiness

“Be happy, talk happiness. Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others.”
~Helen Keller
It was Helen Keller’s belief that God gave us life for happiness, not misery, despite our predilection to wallow in thoughts for suffering that mere existence offers up serenely each day. Perhaps her point is we can take what we want—happiness or negativity.
So why would we insist on glumness when happiness can be our order? It’s because we are given to complaint; we need to fight past this in order to redeem happiness.
The Influence Of Happiness
The boldness of an individual can change things for the group. If one person is prepared to fight for happiness, to make it their own, and, in that, bring it to others, that one person is a hero. They obey God. They bring divinity to life.
The influence of happiness is powerful when we consider it’s actually hard to be negative around positive people. This “responsive gladness” that Keller remarks upon is true.
When we take responsibility for our happiness it tends to shift the bases of others’ hearts for happiness, too. There is some effect, some impact, and we can be the key.
None of this projected happiness needs to be faked, because even in the midst of gloom, the corner can be turned at any time. If we are at the ready, and live fervently in such a way, generally hopeful, we loan happiness from tomorrow before it arrives.
The genuine soul who maintains a gentle grip on what is yet to be has reason to project hope like ripples into their emergent world.
Happiness is infectious if it can be resilient enough not to fold when things get calamitous. Calamities there will always be, but hope for happiness is always the answer.
Happiness Can Be As Brash As It Wants To Be
There are no rules in life telling us we cannot be happy. No one decides for us. We, alone, are the masters and mistresses of our happy (or not-so-happy) destinies.
Why would we choose unhappiness?
When we understand that happiness can be as brash as it wants to be we can be as bold as lions. Then we create a sublimely happy intent that wells up within us and spills over the edges, leaking all over others’ lives. When we insist on our happy way, without insisting others be happy, happiness does tend to influence others.
Just think of the amount of power contained within this theory: we can be happy if we want to be.
Happiness is infectious. If we resolve to be happy, being hopeful for what is still coming, our happiness spills over into others’ lives. It’s hard to be negative around happy people. Ours is the opportunity to project happiness. Why? Because we can.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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