Sunday, August 5, 2012

When Serving the Vulnerable

From children to the impaired,
Dogs and cats,
All types ensnared,
By calculating rats.
What becomes obvious is now in view,
Those taking advantage,
Will get their due.
But those who stand,
For what can never be theirs,
Lend mercy’s hand,
By myriad cares.
They take up the cause,
Of those who cannot defend,
Completing God’s chores,
With love’s currency to spend.
One thing all supposed ‘good people’ despise is the charlatan taking advantage of the vulnerable, in all corners of life. And the list of the vulnerable is never ending. Indeed, we are all vulnerable.
But those in view just now are particularly children, the mentally and physically impaired, animals, the poor and marginalised, and anyone else in a powerless or power-compromised circumstance.
Serving the vulnerable is God’s greatest privilege. This is not recognised by the world or by our flesh. We want to serve in the more glamorous circumstances. But serving the vulnerable pleases God more (see particularly Matthew 25:31-46).
When serving the vulnerable we make absolutely sure that the power differential is minimised as much as it can be. We get to their level if we can. That is to be our constant intention. And we are especially sensitive to their needs in front of our own. We adopt the stance of the advocate—carer of others’ needs.
There are practical concerns and we need to be constantly aware of them, or we will, often inadvertently, take advantage. Such a thing is a cause for later regret.
As it is with all people we serve, we propagate love. The vulnerable, especially, need plenty of love and no cause for rejection. How good could all our relationships be if only we treated people as genuinely vulnerable?
If we have a role with the vulnerable we are honoured by God and genuinely privileged. Let us never forget that.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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