Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Pregnant Observation

A poem for my Princess:
There she sat, opposite me,
A lovely sight for me to see!
Sarah, there, abundant glow,
Baby kicking—she said so.
What a moment—full of bliss,
Times like this I want to kiss!
She smiles at me, thinking I’m ‘funny’,
Oh my, oh my, I’m glad I’m your honey.
Pregnancy’s hand’s been fair till now,
All to God we continue to bow!
Never thought it would be like this,
All in all we count it bliss.
Just one moment and the reflection’s neat,
Because two souls they do meet!
Sarah, Sarah, my love bursts now,
This moment, oh joy, God please endow!
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
I drafted this poem in 10 minutes whilst we waited for an appointment.

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