Friday, January 31, 2014

When Two Have Become One

“To be married is to have found in a total stranger a near and long-lost relative; a true blood relative even closer to us than father and mother.”

— Mike Mason

As two become one,

Their love is found unique,

What they will become,

Is truly something complete.

Think of love as an unrefined perfection; what God can do for two imperfect people as they agree to submit to one another for the marriage’s sake. Love is willing sacrifice. Love is God’s answer: one human being to another.

Can there be a more salubrious event in the sight of God than two becoming one, whether by marital union or by teamwork or by reaching settlement? God is the God of reconciliation and where there are differences, the God-appointed destiny is to be reconciled, always – by one of many possible ways of being reconciled.

Marriage is perfect reconciliation.

Marriage is the epitome of God’s design for two persons of the opposite sex, who fit together, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and, as the culmination of these, sexually.

Marriage is union of trust and the upholding of respect. Where two persons come together, so differently arranged, but placed together by circumstances that God has brought about, it is a veritable miracle that they be such different persons who can attain to trust and respect for the other – to earnestly seek it, every day. There is no shame in being male or being female, though our bodies are different. There is no shame in being male or female, though we think differently.

Marriage is the opportunity to accept another person more, perhaps, than they may accept themselves. What a gift it is to one partner who has a low self-esteem to receive affirmation and confirmation from their partner, not that a partner is required to complete one’s identity in this fashion.

Such love in marriage completes us, as far as God’s will for completion is concerned. Unity has no higher mark in this life. Marriage is designed to be all this. But this doesn’t mean there won’t be a threat to such unity from time to time – or that unity may be destroyed and need to be rebuilt. It is to both parties to the arrangement of marriage that the responsibility for unity lays. Both are equally responsible for unity.

When two have become one, there must be celebrations in heaven. When two have become one there are certainly celebrations on earth.

When two have become one there is a note of willing sacrifice that is shared. They have transcended the barriers of their individual selfishness. They have attained something of God in their midst.


As two become one,

Their love is found complete,

What they will become,

Is something very truly unique.

© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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