Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pondering Heaven (from a vision)

Pondering Heaven (from a vision)
Shining divine,
You’ve awaited my time,
Standing so to speak,
My soul thereby you seek.
Your heavenly presence,
Meets now my acceptance,
Death’s transition unites,
Heaven’s the ending of fights!
Approaching close,
He brushes and strokes,
Accepting his father,
No moment to rather.
It’s taken years and it’s achieved,
A chasm relieved,
Finally together,
At the end of my tether.
Shining divine,
Angelic and fine,
Love you, my child,
Never defiled.
Meeting you now,
It’s the best thing to endow,
Seeing you aglow,
Knowing the love you bestow.
Thank you, Lord,
Ever it’s you I’ve adored,
Your justice is right,
To us two unite.
Driving to our appointment with the paediatrician and the hospital chaplain and to have another amnioreduction, we ponder in the car, on the freeway: what might heaven be like?
Will we reunite with our child who is yet unborn? What does healing in the ultimate sense look or feel like. Our unborn child is destined for a quick and ultimate healing – little time will take place between birth and death it is supposed, though there is a possibility that our child might still die in utero.
The vision had was of a being – shining divine – angelic and fine – to welcome their father into the glorious incomprehensibility of heaven.
On approach it’s something to behold; to know that two beings are destined for reconnection, which transcends any thought for reconnection in an earthly gaze.
The embrace is palpable in the heavens, though such an embrace happens in heaven all the time, eternally, constantly, and in a way that human beings cannot comprehend.
The embrace resolves in an instant what one has wondered about the other for years and years. Suddenly all of life from the eternal perspective makes good and perfect sense.
Everything suffered has made instant sense, and there is no wondering evermore. Being with this loved one, and together one-on-one with other loved ones, all at the same time, no divided loyalties or attentions, is juxtaposed with seeing and enjoying life of those loved ones still there on earth. Spirits become angels and intercede in ways to generate favour between the realms.
But there this child is; unborn now, soon to be born, yet waiting for me.
We cannot get our minds around what God is doing. God is good. This understanding is vindicated by trust here on earth and by experience in heaven.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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