Tuesday, May 26, 2015

20 Little Helpers To Enjoy More Joy

1.          The best results don’t always come through decisive action. Joy contends, via acceptance, that tensions might need to be held.
2.          What makes joy unconquerable is the peace which enables it. There is nothing that can defeat joy because of the peace it is immersed in.
3.          Attacks are reactions to fear, grace is the response of faith. Joy underpins hope, making faith possible.
4.          Joy is continual experience in the present, unsullied by relational divisions, undeterred by worldly distractions, and unencumbered by dissension. A person with joy cannot be moved into frustration.
5.          Joy is the practice of living and breathing and not thinking too much. Thought, analysing thought, can only muddy precious waters.
6.          Choose joy.
Warrant peace.
Nurture hope.
Indwell faith.
Persevere in love.
Propagate goodness.
Personify what’s right.
7.          What joy would you wish on another? God wishes that very joy over you.
8.          Harness joy pregnant in possibility; an open mind is bliss as an open heart is a blessing.
9.          Joy for the day comes because of simplicity; days of simplicity come when we are without expectation.
10.       A day’s joy comes in a moment; the moment joy comes for the day.
11.       Sometimes the long way around gives the quickest results. The long way is replete with joys for simply slowing down.
12.       Joy is contentment; the exact anticipation of the moment devoid of any expectation.
13.       A smile in the heart is courage to face the day.
14.       Joy is what we get when we commit to enjoying the right life.
15.       Joy will be your eventual compensation for everything suffered with the Lord, if you do not give up now.
16.       Joy breaks through as rays of light even through the clouds of despair. Such joy is God’s reminder: “I am with you, even in this.”
17.       Attend to the joyous remembrances of yesteryear now while you still have them. They are gone when they are gone.
18.       Joy will make life wonderful because life is wonderful when it is a joy.
19.       Let’s not make too hard a thing of grief. It is bound to be hard enough. Make joy a touchable quality of every day.
20.       Don’t allow someone’s horrible day spoil our joy. Let us, instead, brighten theirs with the power of a smile, a good deed done with passion, or simply to get out of their way.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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