Monday, June 8, 2015

Never Question Your Value, Never Doubt Your Worth

WHERE can God be most glorified in and through us?
This is such a simple question to answer. God is most glorified in us when we live in the wonder of our worth — to know our esteem and value. And the way to that premise is by divine rebirth.
Here is a word God gave me; for you, for me, for the entire human family:
Never question your value...
God says, “You are invaluable to Me.
“You know, I gave my Son for you.
“You, are worth it...
“You, I made...
“You, I love...
“You, I accept...
“You, I appreciate...
“You, I long for...
“You... You... You...
“You, because of my Son, YOU... are perfect.”
Can we even begin to appreciate how much God must love each one of us — always in spite of the things we do; to disappoint him, to frustrate him, to offend him?
How Much?
How much he gave to create us, in his image.
How much he says “you are worth it” when he gave his one and only Son — sinless and perfect — and smudged him with all our sin.
How much he accepts us if it meant rejecting the one who meant most in all eternity to him.
How much if he longs for us in eternity — to reward us for a long life lived away from home.
Because of Jesus
Because of Jesus, each of us is perfect. Perfect in our imperfection.
Because of Jesus, he made our sins — worthy of nothing but death — the very reason for life. If we had never sinned, we could never be saved.
Because of Jesus, who wore the blood crimson red sin all over his perfect flesh, we are treated as snow white.
Because of Jesus, each of us is destined for an eternity beyond our comprehension — every single compensation for everything we ever suffered through in this life.
Because of Jesus, we are all shown a way to appreciate a worthiness that is beyond all measure, something we cannot in this life fully fathom; a value to trump any concept of poor self-esteem. The words, “God loves you!”
Because of Jesus, there is everything to live for and every reason to die, when God wills it — and never before.
There is nothing to earn so far as God’s love is concerned. The deal is sealed.
Never question your value. Never doubt your worth. Never underestimate your significance. Never distrust your eternal importance.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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