Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tell Me Even One Good Reason I Should Trust God

Harsh outside, still cold within,
Want to hide, can’t get out of this spin,
Feeling unsafe, turbulent heart,
This feeling I hate, don’t know where to start.
Through seasons of pain, with grace estranged,
The energy drain, my life is changed,
Yet all is still, deeper within,
Up this hill, I won’t give in.
Here am I, crushed by this circumstance,
Feel I could die, no way can I dance,
Yet I’ll hold on, God my Rock,
You’ll keep me strong, as long as I knock.
Jaded understanding, so lapsed is my soul,
No secure landing, can’t figure out my role,
Yet I’ll maintain resolve, my heart will be strong,
My trust will revolve around God all day and night long.
Long, so long, I’ve stayed my hope,
Even when I’m wrong I know I can cope,
God, my Tower, you keep me here,
God, my Power, to me you’re so dear.
By your might, I can endure the day,
You give me light, which shows me the way,
God, in your story, help me believe,
God, to your glory, make my heart to cleave.
Great God, my Lord, Saviour, and King,
You’ve restored my reason to sing,
Glorious God who’s deserved my trust,
To keep trusting is to do what I simply just must.
Life takes us to the abysmal depths whether we believe in God or not. Some lives are sheltered, but most only for so long. Sooner or later the winds of change blow through the attics and basements of our lives sending our past into oblivion, our future to the dogs.
There is one reason to believe in God. Forget about the stumbling blocks of theology. Don’t dwell on the mysteries that cannot be answered. Instead, trust.
Trust is the key to a way of life called faith. Faith is the key to a way of life called belief. Belief is the key to a way of life called hope. Hope is the key to a way of life called joy. Joy is the key to a way of life called peace. Peace is the key to a way of life called love. And love is the key to a way of life called life, with all the foregoing thrown in: a bargain.
Trust costs us only that which we should not want to keep: our own self-absorbed, convoluted, and frustrated misery.
Trust sees us through every abysmal tribulation. God there with us.
Trust engenders faith. Faith, belief. Belief, hope. Hope, joy. Joy, peace. Peace, love. And love makes life; the capacity, with God, to overcome.
One good reason to trust God and to keep trusting: life will collapse at some point and trust, faith, belief, hope, joy, peace, and love are our only strength for life. These, from God.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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