Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Deeper Ministry In the Called Life

THERE is a deeper ministry of caring and shepherding. Such a ministry is a calling of invisibility, and of seeing, yet only through the spiritual realm. Neither is the one who ministers deeply so commonly recognised (in public ways), nor are their works seen or readily valued by the populace. And yet, if the world does perchance see, the world grapples to own it for itself and makes of such philanthropic service a champion for good; just look for the unsung heroes on television. But ninety-nine percent of those in the deeper ministry are not recognised and may even be shunned.
But their heart is sacred, and their works are heavenly significant:
Sometimes God selects,
Those for his secret ministry,
The one who honours and protects,
The dignity of the mystery.
Such a mystery makes of the seeing blind,
But to the one of whom God calls,
Secret needs are neon signed,
They are there for the one who sprawls.
Are you called to the secret, deeper ministry? Have you been called to bear burdens that are unusual for your time? Do these burdens call you by name? Has your ministry for the Lord made much impact in individual persons’ lives, yet such things must necessarily remain a secret?
What a privilege you’ve had to serve in such a way. God has called you to do an eternal ministry that only the angels might be privileged to see. You’ve facilitated the recovery of people’s dignity and you have returned to them a self-respect that was either long-robbed of them, or Satan has since tried to wrest it away. God must be saying to you, keep doing what you’re doing, even if it appears to you a complete loss. You know your ministry has been special to God in the heavens because of the warfare you’ve had to endure. And endure it you have. Hear his words: “Well done, good and faithful servant,” as you endure in bringing his heavenly will to earth, one angel’s wish at a time.
The deeper ministry is much less charismatic than the work of James Bond, but it’s done in the same sort of way. This secret ministry works by the principle of Matthew 6:3. It’s a commitment to sowing rewards into heaven, for no interest of earthly reward.
I pray the right people read this, for God has laid this on my heart.
As a pastor of this tradition and gifting once said:
“There will be many who will not see the significance in the little things you do. You’re called to a deeper ministry where the true significance of eternity resides.”
My request of you, if you identify with any of this, and especially if you’re discouraged, press more deeply into your Lord. He so loves your work!
Verily blessed are you,
When your calling is true,
When you can do no other thing,
But the healing you help to bring.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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