Sunday, February 21, 2016

You Are Right Where You Are, For A Reason

DISCOURAGEMENT is a state of being more routine than a state of fear is for me.
But recently I had a day where panic rose up to the point I thought life, as I presently enjoyed it, was over.  You know one of those days of dread where you feel every good foundation in your life is being rocked and you don’t know why?
Then a friend — a strong-in-the-faith friend — encouraged me with a Word from the Spirit, Himself.
She said, “He has you right where He wants you.”
Every now and then we need to be reminded, don’t we?  It’s not like I have a struggle believing it.  If we call ourselves Christian, we’ll have a firm understanding that we’re anointed for the places and times of our present lives.  And yet no matter how firm that understanding is, we’re bound to be encamped with doubt occasionally.
Not only does God have me and you right where He wants us — notwithstanding the circumstances of trouble we find ourselves in — but He knows where He’s leading us. 
God knows how our arduously unpalatable present equips us for our hope-established future.
So if the present is equipping us for our hope-fuelled future we had best be encouraged as the present empowers the future.
By faith we venture intently by wisdom, and by wisdom we step with discernment by faith.  Faith encourages wisdom, and wisdom equips faith.
And by faith and wisdom we have a way of feeling comfortable that we’re in the right place at the right time, even if we don’t enjoy it in the present.
God knows what we need, has placed us where we are, and will take us to where He wants us, all to achieve His purpose.

© 2016 Steve Wickham.

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