Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Way You Might Live If You Had Just ONE Day

Imagine it was your final day alive. Only you knew it. You knew also that where you were going was worth departing for. You also knew that feeling overwhelming sadness would be a waste of your final twenty-four hours. So what would you do?
Perhaps you would not be bothered about politics, fashion, television, the News. These would fade from your mind’s sight, as you thought more about things at home.
Maybe you might not care so much about that degree or that PB or the career you tirelessly pander after. Or possibly you see the need to take time out to just breathe — as you breathe your last seventeen thousand breaths.
Think on this. We assume we’ll be here for ages, even lamenting many aspects of our lives, even as we take for granted the many moments we’re given to love those we love.
Life is enriched to an abundance of purpose when we comprehend The Day (to-day) which the Lord has made.
The cycle of the cosmos seems to endure as clockwork. But our lives, though they seem to mirror life, are not like that.
None of us knows what is coming, just as none of us can predict what is coming.
All we can do is live lives that exemplify the art of goodness in time. To take the breaths we do have, and make of that oxygen fuel for thoughts and actions that make a difference in the sphere of our influence. Nothing else matters.
May God truly bless you as you ponder more days as your last here on God’s earth,
Steve Wickham.

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