Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Live Like You’re Loved

Through the trials and snares and difficulties of life, when much of the time we might feel beaten down, there is an urgency in the heart, the soul desperate for God’s help, searching for a way to overcome the burden.
The heaviest burden is that of being unloved and, multitudes worse, unlovable.
Many would brashly say they never feel unloved or unlovable. Truth is we’ve felt those emotions; of abandonment; whether initiated in childhood or adulthood. Why is it that the Bible goes to great pains to say God never leaves us nor forsakes us? God knows how susceptible we are.
It’s okay. It has to be okay. It’s just the way it is.
Today is the day the Lord has made (Psalm 118:24). And today, each day, with great intention, we have the opportunity, afresh, to live like we’re loved. This is the choice to allow the truth to form up, move, and find its true home: within, dearly loved.
The truth of God’s inimitable love is known with assurance by faith; the strongest of knowledges. Nothing can rock an understanding of God bequeathing us life, in our unique bodies, replete with mind and soul and spirit, to be me and you, for the entirety of our days — and then, e t e r n i t y.
The fact of death is one proof of God’s love, that He would want us back, face-to-face with Himself, so we’re able to enjoy Him all the more; us, His beloved.
When we live like we’re loved, joy, peace, and hope are embodied within, and a humble confidence exudes our being, to live like a human being was always meant to.
When we live like we’re loved, because we’re not simply liked, God gives us love’s purpose to live that our souls ever crave.
When we live like we’re loved, God gives us love’s purpose to live, and finally our soul is content.
We will never be truly happy until we feel safe in our relationship with God. Then we live like we’re loved.
To live like we’re loved is today’s opportunity; to live in the truth like the best thing happened, because it has.
Living like we’re loved is agreeing with the narrative of God’s story. It’s not simply an opportunity, it becomes the only obligation instituted by grace, to trust and obey.
Acknowledgement to Hawk Nelson’s song by the same name.

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