Sunday, January 22, 2017

But… That’s Not How They Think

We think, as a default line of thinking, that we know what others think. But, if we cannot predict what God is thinking, and He is righteous and steady, how can we think we know how wayward people think?
A big part of the problem is we expect people to respond how we would respond. Or, we plan something thinking, “Oh, that’ll be okay — I’d be fine with it…” only to find they’re livid.
Then there are times when the shoe’s on the other foot, and something is done to us. We experience their incredulity for what they think is an overreaction on our part. And close friends are separated, until maturity in one or both says enough is enough — time to apologise and seek forgiveness.
Thinking we know what others think is a folly. We would shriek if we knew the odds against getting it right.
We would do better to tell ourselves, “They’re not thinking as I’m thinking they’re thinking.” Even if there were some crossover in the thinking between us and them we miss so much of their context, because we simply don’t have their experience, personality, vantage point, nor outlook, nor their life to live.
What they’re thinking is really no concern to us, unless it’s God who has said there’s some reconciling to be there. If that’s the case, we rein in our mind, and we plan and execute the reconciliation.
If we think we know what they think, the relationship will sink. If we respect their diversity, we’ll get through adversity.

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