Saturday, September 30, 2017

The love-hate relationship we have with Truth

IMAGINE the spontaneous laughter, when Richard Rohr OFM says, “Before the truth sets you free, it tends to make you miserable.”
Humour makes us laugh because it sounds absurd, but it is, of course, at the same time, 100 percent true.
The truth about truth is we have a love-hate relationship with it. We love it ultimately, because it delivers on its promise; to set us free. But not before we suffer one or some varietal/s of indignity we never thought would feel so humiliating.
That’s the Christian journey into transformation we’re encouraged to continue to take.
God is love. Not only do we know that, but it’s in the Bible. How God loves us is another concept. One way God loves us is with the truth. Indeed, though we can say it’s biblical that God accepts us as we are, we should also say it’s biblical that God loves us too much to leave us as we are. Both realities are true. God is passionate equally about both. His love wants the best for us at every point of our lives over our lifespan. He requires us to wrestle with truth if we’re to love and be loved better.
We love truth because it transforms us, but not before it torments us through trial.
In the same way a romantic relationship proves its potential — that the partners’ commitment to each other remains strong through the harder going middle stages — love never ascends its potential unless both face truth. About the other person, most certainly. About the relationship, yes. But about themselves, too.
Truth has the power to license deeper manifestations of love. Truth transforms, because it entertains the ugly bits that a shallow love would want to remain covered up.
Truth requires courage to face what feels like an adversary, but it turns out to be an advocate.
If we will allow Jesus to continue to transform us, our spiritual task is simple: invite the discomfort of truth, so that His love would deepen in and mature us.
And now here’s a truth that ought to rock us to our core: God so loved the world he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
No matter how shocking our truths are, the living God knows and still loves us. And there’s nothing we could do that would separate us from His love. There is no truth that God doesn’t know, and He still loves each one of us!
So don’t be scared of the truth, and certainly don’t be ashamed of or feel guilty for it. Be honest about it.
See how love makes it easy to love truth? Hate it no longer.
Give yourself to the reception of truth and the powers of love will become you.

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