Monday, March 5, 2018

Making the Most of our Time

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

I heard a man tell a story on Sunday of being at a funeral on the Tuesday – for a man advanced in years who was well known to his Men’s Shed community. They were celebrating his life with another man present who, little did anyone know – least of all the man himself, passed away suddenly on the Thursday.
Life is precious. We never know when our time is up.
How can we use this as reason to do all we can now to make sure our lives are in order?
ü forgive those who have hurt or harmed us – then be at peace
ü make amends for the hurt and harm we have done – then be at peace
ü do the things we’ve always wanted to do
ü have the conversations we’ve been putting off
ü make a list of regrets; put them to rest or do something about them
ü do something this week / month that we’ve never done before
ü tell our loved ones we love them
ü give those people our physical presence who need it
ü give our fullest attention to people (put the device down)
ü commit / recommit to know, love, and live for Jesus
ü invest for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health
Sometimes we don’t think the above sample of items are worthy to spend our time on. It’s not until life changes irrevocably that we have cause for everlasting regret. It’s not just us. It’s everyone who experiences this.
We are still so sure to take our lives for granted, but the occasional reminder of death is a good thing to re-order our priorities. Life is so fleeting.

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