Monday, August 6, 2018

In discouragement, expect God’s direction

Image: Daria Kopylova on Unsplash

When we least expect God’s blessing of encouragement, when we are most discouraged, God finds a way to do something to lift us. Too many times I have experienced this in the faith. Too many God-incidences.
Sometimes it just takes a little time.
When you are called to something, to live a life after God, to endeavour to do His will whatever it might cost, there is something added.
That something compensates for the weight of disappointment and discouragement, because we can make something large of a comparatively small encouragement. Don’t you just know that God is for you when He shows you His favour in something small.
You see it and you just know it is God.
When you want God,
and when your life exists to please Him,
you look for and see Him in even the tiniest blessing,
and you immediately praise and thank Him.
But as followers of God, just as much as anyone else, we are discouraged, and particularly as we lead these frenetic lives of ours.
We serve up to and beyond our capacity, and still life demands more, and we agree to smile onward, all the while denying ourselves the recognition of the limits on our mental faculties and the depletion of our emotional reserves.
That’s discouragement, isn’t it? It hits us in the heart, when all else in our mind and body is fatigued.
To discouragement,
God adds encouragement,
so often… just in time.
In discouragement, hear God say, ‘Hold on, for I am not letting go; I have you securely.’
God never leaves us, nor forsakes us, but we can commonly think He is abandoning us. Isn’t it bizarre how quickly we lose confidence in the character of God that never changes. We constantly need affirmations that God’s Presence is with us. And yet all we need to know is that He is with us always, to the end of the age!
God is present, everywhere, all the time
and that, as a trait of His character,
can never change.
In discouragement, hear God say, ‘Watch for the blessing, for it is surely coming, so please don’t be unaware.’
This is our reminder to be alert, to pique our spiritual vigilance, and remain emotionally upbeat, especially being that that means borrowing our hope from the Word of God.
Blessed are we when we cannot open our eyes
without seeing God at work in our lives.
God shows us a hundred times a day
how much He cares for us.
In discouragement, hear God say, ‘I know your faith is weak, and I don’t expect it to be strong.’
God knows, the last thing we need is to be kicked when we are down on ourselves. If we hear a harsh voice when we are discouraged, that is not God’s voice, but the enemy’s. In our discouragement, we can very well know that God is closer than ever by the affections He turns toward us in our sorrow.
It is by our acceptance of our weakness
that we humbly gain His strength.
One thing we can expect out of discouragement,
is the entrance of God’s direction.

In discouragement,
expect the entrance of God’s direction,
for though it seems to tarry,
it’s surely coming.

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