Saturday, August 4, 2018

The only Answer your Prayer is Asking

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

One of the most frustrating realities for a pastor or counsellor is the person or people who refuse to apply the godly counsel they’re given. Sometimes though people aren’t yet in a place spiritually to be able to apply what wisdom suggests is the straight and ancient path.
They have not yet put God’s kingdom and righteousness first in their lives. The prayer that is their life is still a waste of time. Their progress is stunted by what others are doing or not doing. The prayer that is their life is still too contingent on external factors.
The prayer that is our life must be a prayer
that drives us deep into God.
But the pastor, counsellor or mentor accepts that the person or people they guide control their own journey. It’s not their life to live. So, their frustration stops short of exasperation. Still, they pray. They do wish to create influence and impact, but they accept the limits prevailing on other persons.
The only question your prayer is asking
is the answer your life is revealing.
By the way you are living your life,
you ask God to answer your prayer.
If you wish, by your prayer, to live free from an idol, that is an addiction, you will live free when you determine your life best lived without it; when you begin to hate that kind of life; when that kind of life feels like pain and a new kind of life is exciting, where you can only look forward, and never back.
If you forge a path by your prayer into a gaping world where your gifts come to bear in a tantalising way, your path is forged by the irrepressible spirit that cannot believe anything else. You become the answer of your prayer which asks a question that your life is simply revealing. You live therefore in a mindset that knows the reality of your destiny. And it is only time and opportunity that divides you from it.
If life as you step it out is full of the fury of fear, and you cannot accept that as a prayer moving forward, the prayer of your heart must be transformation into what is not yet a reality, but soon can be. If you are driven to drive through fear, and to have that fear transformed, God will answer the prayer you are asking. In Jesus’ name you have this capacity. You will ultimately overcome your fear if your prayer is important enough to you.
If you truly desire the marriage of your dreams you will leave no stone unturned in your endeavour to please your spouse. You will make it your mission to die so that they might live, if you truly love them. This is marriage beyond male and female roles and set rules and parameters. This is marriage as a prayer; the kind of prayer that demands the marriage will work, because the prayer of one’s life is one’s marriage, and that is a very godly prayer. And one partner is the spark, yet two make it a fire. But once the work is started it must not stop. (Of course, this assumes both spouses want a productive marriage over the long haul.)
Only one thing stands between you
and what God has destined for your life;
faith is the bridge of the divide.
Hope is the propellant that takes the vehicle of faith into orbit which is destiny. Anyone applying faith will rise from the dust and ascend to clean air.
Faith is the answer to the prayer you are asking.
The kind of faith that this is about is life as a prayer. The way we live our lives is the revelation of a prayer we have for our lives. And the only worthy prayer for a Jesus believer’s life is a life sold out completely and unashamedly to the Lord.

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