Saturday, October 27, 2018

The wisdom of forgiveness

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
Having had some significant journeys and challenges in forgiveness, I have long come to realise, that like humility, truth, love, courage and faith, forgiveness is so complex we could fill a universe of libraries in the expounding of it.
That said, here is a gem the Spirit of God showed me during a recent counselling session I provided:
The mind is at rest or the mind is burdened,
and forgiveness is in one and not in the other.
The wisdom of forgiveness is such that where we bear a grudge our mind is busied occasionally or continually with thoughts that are unhelpful at best and inappropriate at worst.
The wisdom of forgiveness is the gift of a free mind.
Yet, in acknowledging the challenge of forgiveness in some cases, it is worth validating the burdens that bear themselves on some minds. Yes, there are states in the relational sphere where the burden is prolonged, even in many cases ever-present. Where reconciliation for a time appears or is impossible. Knowing this necessitates empathy for those who are such afflicted.
But when we consider the power in forgiveness to free the mind, so thoughts worthy of thinking are thought, we are compelled to agree with the truth: it is wise to forgive.
When forgiveness has been achieved the mind is not only free to think good thoughts, appropriate thoughts, thoughts that build other people up; the mind is also freed for other efficiencies of thought. Fuller psychological capacities are available, and worthy actions are behaved consequently.
The apex of life from a personal standpoint must be to be spiritually free and at peace.
This is achieved the moment that forgiveness lives as an identity of possession in our hearts.
As far as it depends on us, Romans says, we should live at peace with everyone.
If only we can agree that this is an ideal not only good for others and ourselves also, we will do all we can to commit to the gold standard of loving everyone and to behave in accordance with that standard.

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