Sunday, February 10, 2019

Lego frustrations among other family realities

There is a plasticky sound that has become all too familiar. What follows is another familiar sound: the groans, the shrieks, the words of negativity, the ‘busting’, the crying. It’s all so inevitable.
His Sunday School teacher confided to us that he had prayed, “God, please help hold my Lego creations together.” It’s so important to him.
He sees himself as an engineer building all sorts of vehicles, with all sorts of functions. It literally is a wonderland of creation, albeit with customary outbreaks of annoyance.
As a parent I can’t help but go down to the bedroom and attempt to help, usually with limited success. He either doesn’t want my help, my kind of help, or the idea that he might need help. Sometimes just occasionally, however, through the careful (and prayerful) selection of words and tone, I am able to help. In his bedroom I am always praying! “God, help him control himself when the pieces crumble off his ‘creation’.”
As a father of three daughters, all adults now, Lego wasn’t a thing, and their frustrations came from… do you know, I cannot even remember! I know my precious girls had their frustrations, but they tended to slip straight into sadness, bypassing the anger. And it probably wasn’t things but people who caused their chagrin.
As you read this, you may resonate. You may have or know of a precious five or six-year-old who, like any of us, needs to master his (or her) world.
Oh… but just now, success! “Dad, close your eyes and come with me!” I’m led by the hand. A moment of triumph — the finished creation out on a test drive… and now for the photos! (see one above)
At the end of the day, it’s life. There’s nothing you or I can do as parents or caregivers other than to ‘pick up the pieces’ with patience and grace as much as we can.
Of course, there are times, and have been times, as parents when our cup is already overflowing with stress, tasks and responsibilities, and too many things on the mind to balance. Their anger provokes ours! Yes, we are human. Perhaps the biggest and most important part of parenting is not damaging them too much in these tenuous seconds.
I know that doesn’t sound too good. But all things considered, love is as much a safe environment where grace prevails as it is anything else.
Now for some more Lego creation interest showing!

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