Saturday, May 25, 2019

One Thing ‘Old’ People want to say to Young People

One of my uncles turned 80 and when asked how he felt he simply remarked he felt like a twenty-year-old, but with creaky knees. As I talked with some of my cousins, they noted the same phenomenon. And as I reflected, at nearly 52 years of age myself, I found resoundingly, I feel the same way.
As we get older, provided we look after our health, we don’t feel old. We may look older, but we don’t necessarily feel old. And this is an important thing for young whipper snappers to be aware of.
You may be 20-something or 30-something and think that people in their forties, fifties, sixties and beyond feel old because they look older. No, the good news is life gets better with age!
Now, if you’re ‘aged’ and you don’t agree, that’s your prerogative. But let me caution you; you can feel youthful if you want to.
But most of all I want to say from someone ageing gracefully by God’s grace, you don’t need to feel old just because you’re older. You may not be able to do the things you once did, but with your health in check, you can feel as my uncle does—like a twenty-year-old!
So, if you are young, the best is yet to come!
I’m so happy to enjoy the privilege of age. Honestly, it’s a blessing not afforded to everyone. The older we get, the more legacy we can leave. And the best thing, as we diligently sow for our health, if we have it, we truly don’t feel old even if we look old.
Now, I am aware that some people have conditions that make it impossible for them to identify with what I’ve written here. Respect to them!

Photo by Kelley Bozarth on Unsplash

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